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“Updated” Corine Snow Turns 110 “Video”

“Updated” Corine Snow Turns 110 “Video”

Corine Snow, who will have her 110th birthday Monday, has this advice for others. She says live one day at a time and do your very best each day. That was included in a proclamation from the Hopkins County Commissioners Court read by County Judge Robert Newsom at a special party for Ms. Snow at the Senior Citizens Center Saturday. Senior Citizens Center Director Karon Weatherman also read greetings from Governor Rick Perry....

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“Updated” Cross Country Champions

“Updated” Cross Country Champions

Wednesday morning on the steps of the Hopkins County Courthouse, County Judge Robert Newsom recognized two county schools for finishing first and second at the State Class A Boys Cross Country Meet. Miller Grove won the state championship and Saltillo finished second. Judge Newsom said it was highly unusual for two teams from the same county to finish first and second in a state with 254 counties. He said Miller Grove and Saltillo had...

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“Updated” Help Save the Rodeo

“Updated” Help Save the Rodeo

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom has heard talk that an annual rodeo event might move away from the county in the future due to lack of support. Judge Newsom is encouraging everyone to support this weekend’s Cinch United Finals Rodeo event at the Civic Center Arena. To stir interest, there will be an event on the downtown plaza Thursday at 5 p.m. Citizens are also encouraged to dress western Friday and to attend rodeo events this...

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“Updated” Jail Project Update

“Updated” Jail Project Update

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom says all the more than 100 piers have been installed for the foundation of the new County Jail project. He says work is beginning for plumbing and electrical. After that a foundation slab is expected to be poured by December 1. Walls will be put up next. Judge Newsom says by December 1 the project should be back on schedule. He adds it remains within budget.

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HC Sheriff’s Deputy Shea Shaw Will Receive a Life Saving Award

HC Sheriff’s Deputy Shea Shaw Will Receive a Life Saving Award

Hopkins County Sheriff’s Deputy Shea Shaw received a medal Thursday for protecting the lives of a Michigan couple after their vehicle broke down on I-30 on September 25. There was a close call as another vehicle was in collision with the rear of Deputy Shaw’s patrol truck. During a medal ceremony Thursday, County Judge Robert Newsom read information prepared by Corporal Dennis Findley and Criminal Investigator Daniel Winn. The medal...

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Remember to Register to Vote This Week

Remember to Register to Vote This Week

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom has visited several counties on mission trips that do not have the right to vote, as we know it. He is encouraging all citizens of Hopkins County to register and vote in the November General Election. The last day to register is Monday, October 6. Election day is Tuesday, November 4. County voters will have two county elections and numerous state races to vote on.

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The New Jail is Moving Along Nicely

The New Jail is Moving Along Nicely

The work crew building the new Hopkins County Jail began putting in piers for the foundation Monday. A little bit of dirt work remains to be done elsewhere. A total of 103 piers will be put some 20 to 30 feet deep unto shale. Workers are hoping to have them all done by the end of the week. County Judge Robert Newsom says the project is 11 days behind schedule due to discoveries made during earthwork.

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In God We Trust

In God We Trust

Meeting Monday, the Hopkins County Commissioners Court voted unanimously to adopt the national motto In God We Trust as their own. A plaque in the Commissioners Courtroom now indicates it. County Judge Robert Newsom said over 100 cities in California have also done this as well as some cities and counties in Texas. In God We Trust is said to go back to a verse of the Stars Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key. By Don Julian,...

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In the Spirit of Cooperation

In the Spirit of Cooperation

With the new Hopkins County Jail project coming close to railroad property, Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom has been working on an agreement with the railroad. Judge Newsom said he found the first draft from the railroad to be unacceptable. He suggested some changes and he said he’s optimistic the revised document would be approved by both parties. The east side of the jail project is near railroad property.

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New Jail Dirtwork

New Jail Dirtwork

Dirt work is continuing for the new Hopkins County Jail Project. Lots of things are being dug up including some leftovers from when the first jail was built on the site. The digging has also uncovered an area high in lead content and the site of an old oil spill. County Judge Robert Newsom says the County has hired Apex Geoscience to make sure recovered materials are handled in an environmentally proper manner. [pb_vidembed...

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