Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: Only 1 Positive Case

Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: Only 1 Positive Case

After 12 days, Hopkins County still has only 1 known positive case of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Hopkins County Hospital District/EMS reported Friday afternoon. Hopkins County Emergency Management Team received notification of the positive COVID-19 case Tuesday morning, March 24. While others have been tested, either by DSHS or a private lab, HCEMT has received no other confirmation from healthcare provider or DSHS of any additional...

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First Case of COVID-19 Positive Reported In Hopkins County

First Case of COVID-19 Positive Reported In Hopkins County

Hopkins County Emergency Management Team just after 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 24, reported they’d just been notified by state health officials of one positive result for COVID-19 in Hopkins County. The individual who tested positive has been told to “self isolate” (shelter in place.) When a positive occurs the state health department takes over moving forward, the emergency management officials said. Judge Robert Newsom...

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COVID-19: Hopkins County Offices Open Only By Appointment For Residents

COVID-19: Hopkins County Offices Open Only By Appointment For Residents

Following discussion among officials Monday, Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom Monday afternoon announced that Hopkins County’s offices will be open by appointment only and for Hopkins County residents only as a COVID-19 precaution. “To be very clear, the county is not shutting down or closing the offices. County business will continue as usual and county officials will continue to work diligently to assure that access to...

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Emergency Management Team Gives Update on COVID-19: 03/20/2020

Emergency Management Team Gives Update on COVID-19: 03/20/2020

During a scheduled teleconference with Hopkins County Emergency Management Team, Andy Endsley confirmed as of 3/20/2020 that there are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) from any patient in Hopkins County. Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom encouraged citizens to think about different ways to contact nursing home residents, as all visitors to nursing homes are restricted at this time. “A phone call could make...

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Hopkins County Emergency Management Update: Still No Positive Coronavirus Cases

Hopkins County Emergency Management Update: Still No Positive Coronavirus Cases

March 19th, 2020 In a scheduled teleconference this morning, the Hopkins County Emergency Management team updated KSST News on conditions of the newly mandated crowd limits and COVID-19 concerns. As of 11:15am, NO new positive test results have been returned on local citizens. The team reiterated the need for social distancing and the restrictions on social gatherings to no more than ten people. Judge Newsom shared that his experience...

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2-1-1 Texas is Vital Part of Emergency Preparedness

2-1-1 Texas is Vital Part of Emergency Preparedness

Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Hopkins County Kristi Springfield, with Jessica Pope, Lead Community Specialist for local 2-1-1 Call Center September was National Emergency Preparedness Month, and during all four Fridays, local speakers shared information with KSST listeners as to Hopkins County’s level of preparedness. On Friday September 6, Hopkins County Emergency Management Coordinator Andy Endsley, who is also Hopkins...

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National Emergency Preparedness Month         Part 3:City, County a Team

National Emergency Preparedness Month Part 3:City, County a Team

Effects of heavy rainfall across parts of the county had already awakened first responders early on Friday with reports of rising water and stalled vehicles in the usual areas prone to flooding. Thus, Sulphur Springs Police Chief Jason Ricketson, Hopkins County Fire Chief Andy Endsley and Assistant Emergency Coordinator Kristi Springfield were already on the job on September 20, 2019 before arriving at KSST for a Good Morning Show...

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National Emergency Management Month Observed in Hopkins County: Part Two, Fire Safety

National Emergency Management Month Observed in Hopkins County: Part Two, Fire Safety

Hopkins County Fire Chief Andy Endsley, who is also Hopkins County Emergency Management Coordinator, was joined by Kristi Springfield, Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator, to discuss families being prepared at home for a fire emergency. Of course, home smoke alarms are a standard protection for fire. Additionally, each family should have an emergency exit plan in place, as well as a designated place for family members to meet...

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September is Emergency Preparedness Month Across U.S. and in Hopkins County

September is Emergency Preparedness Month Across U.S. and in Hopkins County

Hopkins County Fire Chief/Emergency Management Coordinator Andy Endsley and Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator Kristi Boles Springfield during a KSST interview The following information is from the first in a 4-part series by Hopkins County Fire Chief/Hopkins County Emergency Management Coordinator Andy Endsley, who wants the community to know that we are prepared for any and all hazards. Hopkins County as well as the City of...

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“Disaster Drill”  is Hopkins County Emergency Management Local Test

“Disaster Drill” is Hopkins County Emergency Management Local Test

Emergency Management Coordinators L.to R. Sulphur Springs Police Chief Jason Ricketson, Hopkins County Emergency Management Specialist Kristi Springfield, and Hopkins County Fire Chief Andy Endsley A “disaster drill”, set for Friday morning June 21, will be held near the Sulphur Springs High School area. If you notice a number of response vehicles and personnel in that area, rest assured it is part of a State-recommended...

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