Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs
Tira News December 8, 2017

Tira News December 8, 2017

by Jan Vaughn The Tira City Council met at the Community Center for their regular quarterly meeting on Tuesday, December 5th. The Community Christmas Party is this Saturday, December 9th, at 6:00 p.m. Brisket and tea will be provided. Residents are asked to bring a side dish and/or dessert to share and canned goods for the Tira Food Pantry. Santa will be stopping by to visit with the kids. Come enjoy a time of good food, fun, and...

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Tira News December 1, 2017

Tira News December 1, 2017

by Jan Vaughn The Tira City Council will meet on Tuesday, December 5th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Following the regular quarterly business meeting, the group will decorate the center for the Christmas Party. The public is always welcome and encouraged to attend. Robert and Yvonne Weir and family had an early Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 22nd. Dustin, Natalie, and Maria came, as well as Destri, Eben, and Nico; Dakota...

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Tira News

Tira News

by Jan Vaughn The Tira Community Christmas Party will be coming up soon. It’s scheduled for Saturday, December 9th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. We will gather to share a meal and time of visiting with our neighbors. Brisket will be provided and residents are asked to bring side dishes and/or desserts. We will be collecting canned goods for the Tira Food Pantry. Santa will be stopping by to visit with the kids. Make plans to...

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Tira News, September 8, 2017

Tira News, September 8, 2017

by  Jan Vaughn The Tira City Council met at the Community Center on Tuesday, September 5th, to conduct routine business. Prior to the meeting, North Hopkins School Superintendent, Dr. Darin Jolly, gave an informative presentation on the October 6th Tax “Swap” Ratification Election (TRE). Mark your calendar for the North Hopkins Alumni Homecoming, which is scheduled for Saturday evening, October 14th. The Classes of 1967, 1977, and...

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Tira News September 1, 2017

Tira News September 1, 2017

by Jan Vaughn The Tira City Council will meet for the regular quarterly meeting on Tuesday, September 5th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Tira Community Center. Prior to the meeting, at 5:45 p.m., Dr. Darin Jolly, North Hopkins School Superintendent, will do a brief presentation and answer questions on the upcoming Tax “Swap” Ratification Election (TRE). No increase in the total tax rate is proposed,  but just a swap between the two rates...

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Tira News August 25, 2017

Tira News August 25, 2017

By Jan Vaughn The Tira City Council will meet at the Tira Community Center for the regular quarterly meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5th. The public is always welcome and encouraged to attend. Robert and Yvonne Weir’s daughter, Destri, and her family, Eben, Nicholaas, Mena, and Emmy spent the weekend visiting with them. On Saturday, the all went to Dacy and Mike Campbell’s home in Caddo Mills for Eli’s 7th birthday. Yvonne...

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Tira News June, 9, 2017

Tira News June, 9, 2017

by Jan Vaughn We want to express our sympathy to the family of Floyd Joslin. He passed away on Sunday and a memorial service is planned for Saturday, June 10th, at 2:00 p.m. at Tapp Funeral Home Chapel. Floyd was the father of former Tira Volunteer Fire Chief, Malcolm Joslin. The Tira City Council met on Tuesday, June 6th, at the Tira Community Center. They discussed the routine business – financial reports, volunteer fire...

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Tira News May 26, 2017

Tira News May 26, 2017

The Tira City Council will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at the Tira Community Center. Following the meeting, the group will be dedicating the community food pantry in memory of former Mayor Floyd Payton. Mick and Linda Petty spent this past weekend in Bolivar, Missouri, attending their granddaughter Reagan Humphrey’s graduation from Southwest Baptist University. Reagan received a Bachelor of Science degree with a double...

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Tira News

Tira News

by Jan Vaughn Tira Council Members Joyce Dodd, Tami Joslin, Sherry Smiddy, and Yvonne Weir, and I,  City Secretary Jan Vaughn, met North Hopkins Ag Teacher Christin Daugherty, Superintendent Dr. Darin Jolly and  incoming Principal Brian Lowe at North Hopkins School on Friday, March 31st, to pick up the food pantry that FFA students made. We appreciate them providing the labor for the project. We are working toward getting the pantry...

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Tira News March 10, 2017

Tira News March 10, 2017

by Jan Vaughn We want to express our sympathy to the family of Floyd Payton. He passed away Sunday and his funeral was held at the Tira Methodist Church on Wednesday, under the direction of Murray-Orwosky funeral home. Floyd and Martha have been very active in the church and community. Floyd was the president of the Tira Cemetery Association for many years, as well as Mayor of Tira up until about a year ago. Please remember the family...

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