Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report For Sept. 3, 2019

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report For Sept. 3, 2019

Presented by Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell during the Sept. 3, 2019 City Council meeting. Progress on street construction work SUNSET STREET – The Capital Construction Division is back at work on Sunset Street. We have changed the profile of the lay-down curbs to a gentler transition. This is a grant funded project through the Community Development Block Grant program. CONNALLY STREET – The contractor, 5W Contracting, has...

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City Manager’s Report For Aug. 6, 2019

City Manager’s Report For Aug. 6, 2019

PACIFIC PARK DRAINAGE PROJECT This project is progressing well. This project is finished. The barricades will remain in place until Friday so that the concrete will cure a bit more before we subject it to traffic. Allowing traffic on the concrete before it has had sufficient time to cure would lead to cracking and premature failure. The estimated final cost of the project is $43,000, well under the $85,000 budget. SUNSET STREET This...

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City Manager’s Report Presented In July 2019 Council Meeting

City Manager’s Report Presented In July 2019 Council Meeting

By Marc Maxwell, Sulphur Springs city manager PACIFIC PARK DRAINAGE PROJECT On Sept. 4, 2018, the City Council approved an expenditure of $85,000 to solve a drainage issue at Carter Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Since that time engineering has designed an alternative that is simpler and less expensive. It will be easier to maintain also. We have retained 5W Construction to perform the work. They plan to start next week....

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City Manager’s Report Presented in May Council Meeting

City Manager’s Report Presented in May Council Meeting

City Manager Marc Maxwell’s Report presented in the May City Council meeting included: CROSSTOWN TRAIL – The Capital Construction Division constructed a retaining wall at Coleman Park. Otherwise, the project is on hold until Connally is done or nearly done. Retaining wall constructed at Coleman Park, part of the Crosstown Trail project SPRING CLEANUP – The annual spring cleanup was a successful event. In total, Sanitation...

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City Manager’s Report Presented in February Council Meeting

City Manager’s Report Presented in February Council Meeting

City Manager Marc Maxwell’s Report presented in the February City Council meeting included: CROSSTOWN TRAIL – Construction continues on the Hopkins County Civic Center grounds and Peavine Pinion Pond. In January the Capital Construction Division poured more concrete, installed bike racks and trash cans, laid sod to prevent erosion, installed a water fountain and planted trees. SUNSET STREET – Work should begin on this...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report January 8, 2019

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report January 8, 2019

CROSSTOWN TRAIL – Construction continues on the Hopkins County Civic Center grounds. The Capital Construction division installed 200 linear feet of pathway and a retaining wall on the Civic Center grounds. SUNSET STREET – We have been waiting for bids for the rock. They came in today. Now our grant writer will review the bids for compliance with the grant requirements. Once we approve the bids we will get started on the...

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City Manager’s Report June 5, 2018

City Manager’s Report June 5, 2018

City Manager Marc Maxwell highlighted the work of city crews and improvements being made in the city during his report to the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night in their June session. Activities included in his written report: SUNSET STREET – We have designed the Sunset Street improvements. The project will include new water mains, new sewer mains and a new concrete street from Connally to Houston.  The $275,000 CDBG grant is...

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City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Session Tuesday

City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Session Tuesday

City Manager Marc Maxwell made his report of previous month activity to the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night during their regular May session. In his report he noted: SUNSET STREET – We have begun designing the Sunset Street improvements. The project will include new water mains, new sewer mains and a new concrete street from Connally to Houston.  The $275,000 CDBG grant is matched with $132,000 of city funding.  We will...

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City Manager’s Report to Council March 6, 2018

City Manager’s Report to Council March 6, 2018

STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Beth, Rasure, Rose, Junnell and a portion of Gossett Lane have been repaved.  Calvert Street will be milled and repaved during spring break. CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This will be our next capital improvement project.  It will replace 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main.  Currently the main passes through the middle of the hospital complex.  This would be a nightmare if the...

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City Manager’s Report Presented December 5, 2017

City Manager’s Report Presented December 5, 2017

PAMPA STREET – The sewer line is finished, and the water line is finished.  I expect our contractor, Texana Land and Asphalt, to cement-stabilize the base and repave the street this month. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Expect the following streets to be repaved in December: Calvert, Junell, Beth/Rasure/Rose and a portion of Gossett Lane.  Also expect portions of Woodside Lane to be reconstructed totaling 400 linear feet. CANTEX FORCE...

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