Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 10, 2017

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 10, 2017

In his report to city council Tuesday night, October 10th, City Manager Marc Maxwell noted: MOORE STREET – The concrete work is completed.  All that remains is a little backfilling behind the curbs and some cleanup. PAMPA STREET – The reconstruction of Pampa Street has begun.  The Capital Construction Division has finished replacing the sewer line.  Construction on the water line is about to begin.  After that the street will be...

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Local Church to Organize Cinco De Mayo Celebration; City Council, Manager’s Report

Local Church to Organize Cinco De Mayo Celebration; City Council, Manager’s Report

Saint James Catholic Church will place a FM radio tower on property owned by the city and in exchange will organize the Cinco De Mayo celebration at Celebration Plaza each year following the vote of the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night March 7, 2017. The radio tower will facilitate the broadcast of a religious radio station located in Dallas. City Manager Marc Maxwell told council the church had applied for the permit at...

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City Manager’s Report: Bill Bradford Road Closed Again, Locust Street Rework Underway

City Manager’s Report: Bill Bradford Road Closed Again, Locust Street Rework Underway

Tuesday evening Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell told the City Council in regular session that Bill Bradford Road is closed again, now that the holiday season is over. Opening the road did benefit businesses along the roadway but slowed the pace of construction. Since the holiday season has ended and the road is closed, the pace of progress on the roadway should pick up once again. He also noted to the council that the...

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City Manager’s December Report

City Manager’s December Report

City Manager Marc Maxwell made his monthly report to the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night, December 6th. In his report: BILL BRADFORD ROAD –   Concrete street and curb & gutter improvements are underway on Bill Bradford Road.  5W Contracting has poured concrete from Gilmer Street nearly to Elm Street.  All utility work is complete.  Later on tonight’s agenda is an item to approve concrete for the last 1,000 feet of...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s September Report

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s September Report

Tuesday night, September 6, City Manager Marc Maxwell reported to the city council: STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   Water and sewer improvements on Bill Bradford Road are completed.  Atmos completed the replacement of the gas main.  The curb & gutter and street will be replaced next by a contractor. DAVIS/TOMLINSON PARKING LOT – This project has been on hold for a couple of weeks while the Capital Construction crew has been...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report

TO:                  CITY COUNCIL FROM:            CITY MANAGER, MARC MAXWELL SUBJ:              MANAGER’S REPORT STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   The water line is installed on Bill Bradford Road all the way to Como Street.  Construction will continue to the southeast until we tie into an existing line just beyond the Saputo employee parking driveway.  That’s about 300 more feet.  The sewer main lacks 700 feet to be completed; 500...

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Streets, Parking, Sewers: City Manager’s Report for May

Streets, Parking, Sewers: City Manager’s Report for May

STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   Bill Bradford Road is progressing slowly but steadily.  Utilities work continues from west to east.  The road is closed to through traffic, but open to customers of the businesses located in the closed portion of the road, namely Village Pawn and Gun Shop and Sulphur Springs Floral Etc. This $1.4 million project includes water and sewer utilities, underground drainage on the western end of the street...

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City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Meeting

City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Meeting

Tuesday night, January 5th, City Manager Marc Maxwell presented his monthly manager’s report to the City Council in session for their January meeting. His report follows. STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   The Rockdale Road reconstruction project is underway.  Westbrook Concrete Contractors is forming and pouring the concrete street one segment at a time.  Approximately 65% of the concrete is in place.  Water utilities have been...

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City Manager’s Report

City Manager’s Report

Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Mawell reported to the city council Tuesday night: STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   The Rockdale Road reconstruction project is underway.  Westbrook Concrete Contractors is forming and pouring the concrete street one segment at a time.  Water utilities have been replaced.   This project will finish Rockdale Road on the north side of Interstate 30. Plano Street is underway. This $268,000 project is a...

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Summer Paving Agenda and More in City Manager’s Report at July Meeting

Summer Paving Agenda and More in City Manager’s Report at July Meeting

STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –  The FM 2285 waterline replacement project is picking up speed now that the rains have abated.  We’ve installed 8,800 feet of pipe, and three of four bores have been completed.   We expect to complete this project in July.  This project replaces 2.5 miles of undersized and dilapidated water main at a cost of $862,800.  The project begins at S.H. 19 and extends past the Lake Sulphur Springs dam.  The...

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