Plat Request for Connally Corner Addition, Ordinance Approved By City Council

Plat Request for Connally Corner Addition, Ordinance Approved By City Council

Sulphur Springs City Council made quick work of the May agenda, wrapping up the entire Zoom conference meeting in 40 minutes. During the May 5 meeting, the City Council approved one ordinance, two resolutions, a final plat request for Connally Corner Addition and heard about a few projects in progress or planning stages. Ordinance No. 2766 The Council heard on second and final reading Ordinance No. 2766, which amends and updates...

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Sulphur Springs City Council Approves Curfew, Postpones Election

Sulphur Springs City Council Approves Curfew, Postpones Election

The April meeting of Sulphur Springs City Council may have been delayed while technical kinks were worked out of the viewing and teleconferencing systems but, once under way, officials wasted no time Tuesday night making short order of the agenda. Due to the stay at home safe and social distancing parameters in place during the global COVID-19 pandemic, Sulphur Springs City Council members and city staff signed in for a Zoom...

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City Council Authorizes Property Exchange at Airport; Seeks Water Development Loan

City Council Authorizes Property Exchange at Airport; Seeks Water Development Loan

The Sulphur Springs City Council consulted with an attorney on pending litigation during an executive session prior to their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night at 7 p.m. During the regular meeting, the council authorized City Manager Marc Maxwell to execute an attorney contract for legal services with Scott and Ray Law Firm of Greenville. In other business, on second reading, the council approved an ordinance authorizing the...

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City Passes Key Ordinances Tuesday Night

City Passes Key Ordinances Tuesday Night

  The Sulphur Springs City Council passed key ordinances on first reading for the budget for next fiscal year at a regular meeting Tuesday night. Mayor Kayla Price explains what the ordinances deals with and then there are responses from city Director of Finance Peter Karstens on the first three and then from city Human Resources Director Gordon Frazier on the fourth one. Councilman Craig Johnson also asks some questions. The...

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Finance Director Presented Draft Budget to City Council

Finance Director Presented Draft Budget to City Council

City of Sulphur Springs Director of Finance Peter Karstens distributed a draft budget to city council members and then gave a brief overview. Positives for revenue included sales tax up 3.2%, sewer rates generating $160,000 more than the current budget, water sales are expected to meet budget, certified net taxable value went up 3.2%, sewer rates will rise 2% but water rates will not increase. The tax rate will remain the same. There...

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City Council Has Lengthy Agenda for Tuesday Night

City Council Has Lengthy Agenda for Tuesday Night

The Sulphur Springs City Council will take up a 17-item agenda at a regular meeting at City Hall tonight. The council will actually began in executive session at 6:30 p.m. as they will consult with an attorney concerning pending litigation. The regular monthly meeting should get started at around 7 p.m. The council will consider contracting with Garver Engineering for design and other services related to improvements and rehab of the...

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Still no Love for SB1158

Still no Love for SB1158

With the most recent check up on SB1158, absolutely NOTHING has happened with it as of yet.  The Hall-sponsored bill is still stuck in the Finance Committee of the Texas State Senate.  Not only stuck, but yet to even be read (or considered) by the committee.  Senator Hall actually explained another one of his bills to the Finance Committee last week, but even that bill was in effect “tabled” as no one else spoke for or...

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