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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – August 2020

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – August 2020

On Tuesday, August 4, 2020, Sulphur Springs City Council received from City Manager Marc Maxwell the monthly manager’s report: COVID-19 RESPONSE Not much has changed since the last meeting in terms of our response; however, we are seeing an increase in the numbers of new COVID cases. GRAYS BUILDING The Capital Construction Division is preparing the pad site for the Grays building. We have hired a construction manager. You will...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – July 2020

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – July 2020

The following Manager’s Report was presented July 7, 2020, to Sulphur Springs City Council by City Manager Marc Maxwell. COVID-19 RESPONSE • Most City Offices have reopened. Police Department, Fire Department, Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant remain closed. The Municipal Library has reopened.• Police and Fire continue to implement new procedures for dealing with persons suspected of COVID-19.• Police and Fire...

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City Manager's Report For Feb. 4, 2020

City Manager's Report For Feb. 4, 2020

Below is the City Manager’s Report presented By Marc Maxwell to Sulphur Springs City Council on February 04, 2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT This project is completed. We will be paying the final bills this month. Budget for the project was $18,800,000. We expect total expenditures on the project to come in at $18,400,000. This project has finished on-time and under-budget. GRAYS’ BUILDING We have a set of plans for the Grays’...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager's Report For January 2020

Sulphur Springs City Manager's Report For January 2020

Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell Below is the City Manager’s Report reported by Marc Maxwell Jan. 7, to Sulphur Springs City Council. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Construction is complete with the exception of sowing grass seed which is ongoing. For all intents and purposes this project is complete. Budget for the project was $18,800,000. We expect total expenditures on the project to come in at $18,400,000. This project is...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report For Sept. 3, 2019

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report For Sept. 3, 2019

Presented by Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell during the Sept. 3, 2019 City Council meeting. Progress on street construction work SUNSET STREET – The Capital Construction Division is back at work on Sunset Street. We have changed the profile of the lay-down curbs to a gentler transition. This is a grant funded project through the Community Development Block Grant program. CONNALLY STREET – The contractor, 5W Contracting, has...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report January 8, 2019

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report January 8, 2019

CROSSTOWN TRAIL – Construction continues on the Hopkins County Civic Center grounds. The Capital Construction division installed 200 linear feet of pathway and a retaining wall on the Civic Center grounds. SUNSET STREET – We have been waiting for bids for the rock. They came in today. Now our grant writer will review the bids for compliance with the grant requirements. Once we approve the bids we will get started on the...

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City Manager’s Report December 4, 2018

City Manager’s Report December 4, 2018

CROSSTOWN TRAIL – Construction continues on the Hopkin County Civic Center grounds. The Capital Construction division installed 317 linear feet of pathway on the Civic Center grounds. SUNSET STREET – We opened bids for materials for this project on October 24th. Of the 5 bid packets, we only had successful bids on 2 of them. We will have to rebid the remaining.  WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – Phase 2 is well under way....

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City Manager’s Report to Council November 6, 2018

City Manager’s Report to Council November 6, 2018

CROSSTOWN TRAIL – The flashing lights for the Main Street crossing have been installed and are now operational. The capital construction division installed 596 linear feet of sidewalk divided among Coleman Dam, Peavine Pinion Pond and the high school. SUNSET STREET – We opened bids for materials for this project on October 24th. Of the 5 bid packets, we only had successful bids on 2 of them. We will have to rebid the...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 2, 2018

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 2, 2018

CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This project is completed. The Capital Construction division connected the final segment of sewer main to the Cantex Lift Station and began pumping through the new force main Monday night. This was the final capital improvement project in the 2013-2017 C.I.P. It replaces 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main. The sewer main did pass through the middle of the hospital...

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City of Sulphur Springs Manager’s Report for August Council Meeting

City of Sulphur Springs Manager’s Report for August Council Meeting

CROSSTOWN TRAIL -The railroad crossing is complete. The Capital Construction Division is now constructing the portion of the trail from the KCS railroad tracks to Coleman Park. When finished, this grant-funded project will connect Buford Park to Coleman Park and the high school/civic center complex. It will also replace the sidewalk on the north side of Connally Street. CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This project is about 50% completed....

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