Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report July 10, 2018

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report July 10, 2018

CROSSTOWN TRAIL –The railroad crossing is complete.  The Capital Construction Division is now constructing the portion of the trail from the KCS railroad tracks to Coleman Park.  When finished, this grant-funded project will connect Buford Park to Coleman Park and the high school/civic center complex.  It will also replace the sidewalk on the north side of Connally Street. CANTEX FORCE MAIN – The materials for this project have been...

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City Manager’s Report June 5, 2018

City Manager’s Report June 5, 2018

City Manager Marc Maxwell highlighted the work of city crews and improvements being made in the city during his report to the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night in their June session. Activities included in his written report: SUNSET STREET – We have designed the Sunset Street improvements. The project will include new water mains, new sewer mains and a new concrete street from Connally to Houston.  The $275,000 CDBG grant is...

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City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Session Tuesday

City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Session Tuesday

City Manager Marc Maxwell made his report of previous month activity to the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night during their regular May session. In his report he noted: SUNSET STREET – We have begun designing the Sunset Street improvements. The project will include new water mains, new sewer mains and a new concrete street from Connally to Houston.  The $275,000 CDBG grant is matched with $132,000 of city funding.  We will...

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City Manager’s Report Presented December 5, 2017

City Manager’s Report Presented December 5, 2017

PAMPA STREET – The sewer line is finished, and the water line is finished.  I expect our contractor, Texana Land and Asphalt, to cement-stabilize the base and repave the street this month. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Expect the following streets to be repaved in December: Calvert, Junell, Beth/Rasure/Rose and a portion of Gossett Lane.  Also expect portions of Woodside Lane to be reconstructed totaling 400 linear feet. CANTEX FORCE...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report June 6, 2017

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report June 6, 2017

Sulphur Springs City Manager presented his report for May activity to the Sulphur Springs City Council during Tuesday night’s June regular session. LOCUST STREET – The utility work (water, sewer, gas) is complete.  Cement stabilization is complete and concrete work continues to progress from north to south. The concrete work is approximately 40% complete. MOORE STREET – Utility work continues on Moore Street.  The Capital...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report May, 2, 2017

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report May, 2, 2017

SPRING CLEANUP – The spring cleanup has concluded.  We sent 54 40-yard roll off containers to the landfill and accumulated a large pile of green waste which will be burned this summer. LOCUST STREET – The utility work (water, sewer, gas) is complete.  Cement stabilization and concrete work continues to progress from north to south. Cement stabilization is 60% complete, and concrete work is approximately 25% complete. MOORE...

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Summer Paving Agenda and More in City Manager’s Report at July Meeting

Summer Paving Agenda and More in City Manager’s Report at July Meeting

STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –  The FM 2285 waterline replacement project is picking up speed now that the rains have abated.  We’ve installed 8,800 feet of pipe, and three of four bores have been completed.   We expect to complete this project in July.  This project replaces 2.5 miles of undersized and dilapidated water main at a cost of $862,800.  The project begins at S.H. 19 and extends past the Lake Sulphur Springs dam.  The...

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City Managers Report July 2nd 2024

City Managers Report July 2nd 2024

CLAIMS – We had one workers’ compensation claim in June for poison ivy exposure. We did not have any liability claims.  COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – We have applied for a $250,000 grant from the General Land Office (GLO) to help pay for the plan. They required an amendment to our Financial Management Policy. The amendment was approved at the May meeting. The GLO says that they will make a decision on July 15. COLLEGE STREET – The College...

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City Managers Report June 4th 2024

City Managers Report June 4th 2024

CLAIMS – We did not have any workers’ compensation claims or liability claims in May.  COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – We have applied for a $250,000 grant from the General Land Office (GLO) to help pay for the plan. They required an amendment to our  Financial Management Policy. The amendment was approved at the last meeting. We are  still awaiting word from the GLO.  COLLEGE STREET – The street itself is  ...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report for April 2024

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report for April 2024

CLAIMS – We had one minor workers’ compensation claim and no liability claims in April. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – We have applied for a $250,000 grant from the General Land Officeto help pay for the plan. They require an amendment to our Financial Management Policybefore they approve the grant. The amendment is on the agenda. COLLEGE STREET – We are on the home stretch. I still think we will have the street open by June 01.HOLIDAY DRIVE –...

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