Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs
City Manger’s Report September 4, 2018

City Manger’s Report September 4, 2018

Marc Maxwell City Manager Marc Maxwell reported the progress of various projects and activities in the city to the Sulphur Springs City Council during their regular meeting Tuesday night, September 4, 2018. CROSSTOWN TRAIL – The railroad crossing is complete. The Capital Construction Division has constructed the path between the K.CS railroad tracks and Main Street. They have also constructed the path on the North face of...

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City Manager’s Report Presented April 3, 2018

City Manager’s Report Presented April 3, 2018

SUNSET STREET – The City has received a $275, 000 Community Development Block Grant to rebuild Sunset Street from Connally to Houston. This will include new water mains, new sewer mains and a new concrete street. The city is matching the grant with $132, 000. We will submit construction drawings in June and begin work in the fall. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Calvert Street will was milled and repaved during spring break....

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City Manager’s Report to Council March 6, 2018

City Manager’s Report to Council March 6, 2018

STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Beth, Rasure, Rose, Junnell and a portion of Gossett Lane have been repaved.  Calvert Street will be milled and repaved during spring break. CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This will be our next capital improvement project.  It will replace 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main.  Currently the main passes through the middle of the hospital complex.  This would be a nightmare if the...

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PJC Receives Safety Award and Scholarship for Student

PJC Receives Safety Award and Scholarship for Student

Paris Junior College was recognized recently for having the best three-year loss ratio in 2016-2017 by Claims Administrative Services (CAS), Inc., which presented PJC with a scholarship for a PJC student and a safety award. This is the second year in a row PJC has received both from CAS. “We are so pleased to have been recognized again for having the best safety record among the CAS colleges,” said PJC President Dr. Pam Anglin. “It is...

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City Manager’s Report February 6, 2018

City Manager’s Report February 6, 2018

STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – A portion of Gossett Lane has been repaved as planned.  Junell Street has been milled and is awaiting asphalt paving.  Milling is ongoing on Beth, Rasure and Rose Streets.  Calvert Street will be milled and repaved during spring break. We will probably forego the planned reconstruction in the Woodside addition in favor of reconstructing the portion of Woodbridge Drive that crosses between the two ponds. ...

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City Manager’s Report January 2, 2018

City Manager’s Report January 2, 2018

PAMPA STREET – The street has been repaved; the utilities have been replaced, and the curb and gutter has been repaired.  All that we lack is a little cleanup. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Expect the following streets to be repaved in January: Calvert, Junell, Beth/Rasure/Rose and a portion of Gossett Lane.  Also expect portions of Woodside Lane to be reconstructed totaling 400 linear feet. CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This will be our next...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 10, 2017

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 10, 2017

In his report to city council Tuesday night, October 10th, City Manager Marc Maxwell noted: MOORE STREET – The concrete work is completed.  All that remains is a little backfilling behind the curbs and some cleanup. PAMPA STREET – The reconstruction of Pampa Street has begun.  The Capital Construction Division has finished replacing the sewer line.  Construction on the water line is about to begin.  After that the street will be...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report August 1, 2017

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report August 1, 2017

LOCUST STREET – This project is nearly completed.  Tomorrow Westbrook Concrete Contractors will make the final pour.  All that we lack after that is a little clean-up.  I expect this project to be completed by next month’s meeting. MOORE STREET – Utility work is completed on Moore Street.  The water main, sewer main and gas main have all been replaced.  The concrete contractor, Highway 19 Construction LLC, is about to begin soil...

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City Manager’s Report for July Special Session

City Manager’s Report for July Special Session

LOCUST STREET – The utility work (water, sewer, gas) is complete.  Cement stabilization is complete and concrete work continues to progress from north to south. The concrete work is approximately 70% complete. MOORE STREET – Utility work is nearly completed on Moore Street.  The Capital Construction Division has completed the sewer improvements, and water improvements will be completed before the next city council meeting. Atmos...

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City Manager’s Report, April 4, 2017

City Manager’s Report, April 4, 2017

BILL BRADFORD ROAD –   DONE! LOCUST STREET – The utility work (water, sewer, gas) is complete.  Cement stabilization and concrete work has begun at the north end of Locust.  Work will progress from north to south. MOORE STREET.  –  Utility work has begun on Moore Street. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – Work has begun at the wastewater treatment plant.  The contractor has excavated one very large hole to accommodate 3...

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