Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs
City Manager Report Notes Destruction of K-9 Vehicle in Local Fire

City Manager Report Notes Destruction of K-9 Vehicle in Local Fire

In his report to the February meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council, City Manager Marc Maxwell noted street projects completed and those begun. He also noted that work on the Davis/Tomlinson downtown parking lot will begin Friday, February 5th. The city will also be installing lights and landscaping for a county 90-space parking lot to be built at the northeast corner at Jefferson and Rosemont Streets. He also noted the K-9...

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City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Meeting

City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Meeting

Tuesday night, January 5th, City Manager Marc Maxwell presented his monthly manager’s report to the City Council in session for their January meeting. His report follows. STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   The Rockdale Road reconstruction project is underway.  Westbrook Concrete Contractors is forming and pouring the concrete street one segment at a time.  Approximately 65% of the concrete is in place.  Water utilities have been...

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City Manager’s Report

City Manager’s Report

Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Mawell reported to the city council Tuesday night: STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   The Rockdale Road reconstruction project is underway.  Westbrook Concrete Contractors is forming and pouring the concrete street one segment at a time.  Water utilities have been replaced.   This project will finish Rockdale Road on the north side of Interstate 30. Plano Street is underway. This $268,000 project is a...

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City Managers Report 06/04/14

City Managers Report 06/04/14

Water – Dredging continues at Cooper Lake; however, the quality of the water is still good enough to make Cooper Lake the preferential water supply. Dredging at Cooper Lake is approximately 20% complete. At this rate, dredging will not be completed until 2015. Cooper Lake is 7 feet low, an improvement over last month’s reading of 11 feet low. Judging from the graph at right, the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) has...

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